smart agriculture

How can we make an ECO-system that 
operates in its most efficient way by
 combining basic natural resources 
with modern “environmental-aware” 

Your assignment must meet the next criteria:

• There is a balance between power consumption and yield.

• Is easy to implement in real live, by the local population.

• Is scalable to be used in a small setting but to expand for worldwide usage.


These ideas should be based on modern technologies like robotics, drones, 5G-internet, blockchain,

machine learning, artificial intelligence

Watch the video to see examples of creative concepts to improve agriculture using technology.


Nowadays technology have giving us the 

opportunity to build smart agriculture and 

green ECOsystems.

In that context we ask you to think about 

innovative solutions that prevent food 

shortage by

using smart technologies like machine 

learning, artificial intelligence, drones, 

solar power,

microcomputers, sensors and combine it 

with our own mother nature.

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